When it rains it pours...
Not only do I have to go thru one of the roughest days of my life, by myself without my husband, he wants to take the explorer. I can't drive his gmc sonoma, its a 5 speed. I promised mamaw I'd come and get her. She says she won't have anyone else to bring her. I was going to take the explorer and get mamaw and mom so mom could help me with mamaw. Its so hard getting her in and out of vehicles. Now I don't know what I'll do. I'll be at that funeral home at 9am when they open. Not sure how but I will be there. Adam could take the sonoma but James would have to bundle up and ride in the back in the camper part. Any words of wisdom or advice would be appreciated. Maybe I can rent a car for Monday. Adam would love that, more money going out. Well, I'll stop whinning now, for a few minutes anyway. It'll work out somehow. I'm sorry that Johnny, his brother in law passed. He was a very nice, sweet man but I have to be here. One of my baby brothers lost his baby and he's hurting I gotta be here. I got too. Advice would be appreciated....Prayers always welcome.