Need honest opinions
I've always expressed my grief in writing and while I'm not very good at it. Its something I do. Heres a poem I just wrote for Gracie Ann to put in a frame and decorate for the funeral. Tell me honest opinions....Its just whats in my heart nothing fancy.
Friday, 22 February, 2008 My dearest Gracie Ann, my little sweetheart, our little angel, You are mommy and daddy's beautiful little angel, Your are Bailey's little guardian angel, You were a gift from God, given to us on His time, and God must have needed another angel so He brought you back home to Heaven. I can just imagine u in Heaven, playing with all the other baby angels. Dancing on the clouds, sliding on rainbows, and being held in the arms of Jesus. Oh sweet, baby, we all love you so much. We will miss you so very much. U've touched our lives so briefly and yet the pain of losing you hurts us deeply, Rest in Peace, sweet angel, for you truly are a angel. Love always, Aunt Ange.....