OT:Need hair help, asap.....
I had the bright idea yesterday to run out and get a body perm. I discussed this with the lady who does my hair at my salon. Ok, since my hair was short and flat. I told her I'd like a body perm. Just some loose bouncy curls. She said ok. I sat down. We did the thing. Here it is today and I've got tight little curls all over my head and frizzy's in some places. I hate this. What happened to soft bouncy curls or just plain waves? Is there something a shampoo or conditioner I can get to help loosen them up? I don't really want to put a straightener on my hair cause I'm afraid it would cause more damage. If they weren't so tight it'd be ok. I bought some shampoo and conditioner from the salon for curls and of course their leave in mousse stuff. If I don't use that I frizz, if I use it everything is stiff. HELP...What can I do to help this become soft bouncy curls....Please tell me there is something. I'm desperate lol.
If I'm not mistaken they will after a few washes loosen up and calm down! My best friend is a hair stylist and I will call her tonight and ask her what you should do! She is a color specialist but, she does everything she will know what to do! GOod luck and try to just style it and wait probley a week and it should loosen up!