Keeping track - 2/13/08
Hey all, well it's another snow day here and my preschooler is driving me up a wall!! Didn't get to go to the Y for my usual workout this morning but Hubby says when he will go with us this evening when he gets home and take Gracie swimming while I go do my weights and cardio!
FOOD (wierd food pattern today for some reason)
S - my usual homemade latte
B - got busy and skipped it
L - Chick-fil-a (4 nuggets and half a fruit cup)
S - the last 3 nuggets from lunch
D - 1/2 snickers protein bar
S - Taco Bell Chicken Quesadilla, pintos-n-cheese (4th meal!)
EXERCISE - I made it the Y at 9pm!! Did my usual weight curcuit and 18 minutes on bike. I had to cut it short because hubby had the girlie in the pool and needed her clothes which I had in the other locker room.....we then hit a drive thru!