saying hello
I have been sent so many messages with well wishes and congrats for my new grandson..I feel awful I haven't had time to reply to them all.
My grandson was born last Friday Feb. 1st. I started feeling a bit bad that day but it would have taken an army to drag me out of that soon as he was born I left..went home and straight to bed. I carried a fever of about 101-102 for 3 then would drop in the A.M. but go right back up at night. I have had asthma my entire life, but since WLS it rarely gets out of control..This week I think I had the worst asthma attack of my life!. It's calmed down emensely but I still have to use inhalers and meds to keep it under control., and I feel like I am drugged most of the time..I hate this feeling!..
Anyway, this week I have been making some much needed changes..some very difficult and some very exciting.
But more on those later..I need to get ready for work...everyone take care..if I missed saying good luck or congrats on surgeries..I am so sorry. Please know that I think of you all every day..wonder if someone is doing well or having a difficult time. I am a worrier, I can't help myself......
Ya'all take care.