Released for surgery February 25
Well I am officially cleared for surgery, I was supose to have surgery February 4th but was diagnosed with pnuemonia and had to cancel. Turns out the medication changes caused the fluid in my lungs, everything is fine, chest x-ray clear, paperwrk at work redone. I had one problem with the blood pressure medicine they changed me to the second time. I noticed it was on Dr Shina's list. So I wrote up a list of my concerned all my mediation changes and faxed them to Holly with my new FMLA paperwork. I got a fax back from Holly, I got a voice mail from Dr Shina's nurse in another office were Dr Shina was at that day telling me what Dr Shina said and the medication problem was all sorted out. So now all I have to do is count the days. I was so happy they got back to me so quickly....... Then later that day my cell phone rings, I see the Indianna area code and assume it's Holly calling to make sure I got the message. I answer it and it was Dr Shina himself, and I was worried about bothering Holly. (I know how busy they get over there.) Dr Shina called to make sure I got his message from his nurse about his medication change and to make sure I understood or had any questions. I thought that was really nice of him, I am glad I choose him to do my surgery. I was pretty upset when he cancelled my surgery even though I know it was necessary. The next two weeks are going to drag on, and I had to take another day off of work because my 3 year old son is having tubes put in his ears Monday. I have 9 more days at work.