Almost time! But bad news!
My surgery is on the 6th and I think Im getting excited, and nervous! I feel guilty having the surgery after my mom called me on Sat and told me that my 29yr old cousin had a stroke and the hospital put him in a medical induced coma and he had a anurisum and it burst so on sunday they pronounced him brain dead,,, I really feel bad cause Im not there with my family and I really dont know what to do! He hasnt passed yet and they live about 1.5 hrs away? Am I doing the right thing? Thanks for any advice!
Im sorry about your cousin .
Also i understand about getting nervous mine is the 20th and im getting nervous also.
I would talk to my mom and explain the prepartions it took for you to get where you are with your surgery.
Im sure the family would understand.
If you live 1.5 miles away i would go now and say my goodbyes to him and get back home and get ready fr my day..
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers..