Freaking out
Hi Nicole, Don't stress too much, you are definately not overreacting! What you are getting ready to do is potentially life altering (for the better of course). Stress comes from both positive and negative sources such as marriage, childbirth, loss of family, loss of job, new house, etc. You are actively choosing to change your life for the better and it's simply stressful and showing!
Although my surgery was less invasive than RNY, I had pretty much the same reactions about 2 weeks prior to surgery. Another OH board had a thread on this subject just last week. They refered to it as the "two-week-freak period." Most of the people on there talked about their emotional roller coaster ride and doing things such as power cleaning, power shopping, paying bills a month in advance, showing the husband where financial records are kept, writing letters to loved ones (just in case) and so on. My personal freak included making a short list of approved female friends that my husband could take up with if something happended to me. In my head I knew who I did and didn't want to be my replacement not only for my husband but for my daughter! Hubby humored me and said he'd get a Mrs. Doubtfire or Alice (Brady Bunch) type to take care of them since wives are much more work! Good luck, have a good cry and go easy on yourself
When one door of happiness closes, another opens:
but often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Helen Keller