Scale Victory - Tootin' my own horn
I finally feel like I have something to crow about! As of this morning Mr. Scale says I've that I have finally lost my first 30 pounds since surgery! That equates to 2.5 pounds a week and I know it's a decent rate of loss for a bandster but I was really getting frustrated. Nothing like a little victory to boost your motivation! Yeah me!
Wow Becka that's a great loss - really something to crow about!!
I owed it to myself to research the duodenal switch before consenting to any other weight loss surgery and so do you. Check out and for more information. Remember think twice, cut once, revisions are risky and revision surgeons are rare.
DS Lab Rats
DS Lab Rats
Oh yeah! I'm ready for it too!
I go Wednesday afternoon. I think i'll ask him to keep it small though. Maybe 0.5cc I ate a dinner roll from Texas Roadhouse earlier today and I thought I was stuck for about 10 minutes but it eased up on it's own so I don't think it would take much more to find my point of restriction. He goes out of the country at the end of the week and won't be bac****il late Feb. so it's now or wait another 4 weeks and thanks to momma bear I won't have to! It's a good thing Dr. L thinks my mother is a "real sweatheart"
BTW, You and Missy were right about the Suburban meetings! I enjoyed the mix there very much. Thanks to both of you!
Thanks to everyone for the kind words and support! Hopefully, I'll get the chance to be there for you guys at some point too!
I'm certainly stoked enough to bump up my efforts and keep going. Hopefully, i'll make it to "onderland" by my birthday in June. It's probably been nine years since i've seen the underside of 200. If I could get to that point I think I'd be content no matter how quick or slow things go after that.