I admit freely that I'm not the world's brightest person. I admit freely that I
in no way understand the biggest majority of things that go on in this mixed up
old world. And I totally have no friggin clue about what goes on in a man's
mind at times. After a little over 8 yrs Adam can still throw me for a loop at
times. He is a good man, don't get me wrong, I'm just having a whinning spell.
I do that occasionally. He can be the meanest tempered, crabbiest butt there
ever was. Man, I wish husbands came with a how to book on how to not tick them
off by breathing, how to not make them made cause a 6 yr old acts like a 6 yr
old. Guess what? This stupid van I bought with my car wreck settlement money
(the stupid van he made me buy) is now broken. It did run great. The doors
were finally opening easier (since he oiled them), the heater and defroster up
front did not work so he ran out to Autozone and bought 2 of those dash
defroster things. They worked great. 2 weeks ago he decides to tear into my
van. He's going to fix the heater. He had to replace a cv joint up front anyway
and the brakes, lets not forget those. Ok, he got some sort of seal thing, tore
into the van, had the whole inside torn apart. He got it back together
yesterday. He test drove it, crowed about how good it did. Last night he
decides he wants Dairy Queen, (yes, he's freakin nuts, its too dang cold for
ice cream) so we head up to town in the van. We get up there, the oil light has
stayed on the entire ride to town. We get to Dairy Queen and theres a knocking
in the engine. Oh how wonderful is that? He was like, Oh Dad, do u remember the
other day when we ran it a few mins without FREAKING OIL in it to see if the
heater was working? We made it back home. He did something and the oil light is
no longer on. But its still knocking. It could be a lifter he says, whatever
the heck that is. Or it could be its just going to freakin blow up anytime. He
says he's done working on it. To quote him its a piece of poo I never should
have bought. Ok, he's the one that made me buy it. I wanted a Ford Windstar
that was newer with less miles but no, this freakin Kia piece of junk was
"better". It did run good until he got it back together. I mean, it had get up
and go. Now its not going anywhere for a while. So this afternoon, he's in one
of his I'm a butthole moods. Happens quite often. We all have those days I
suppose. He's made because his budget doesn't allow for him to purchase a $3000
transmission for the freaking monster truck in the back yard that he paid
almost $4k for that didn't run when he bought it. This is my fault by the way.
I made him, me physically made him, have his vasectomy reversed for $4k he
wanted to put back into his huge gas eating piece of crap. Its my fault that
the budget will not allow for $3000 for a new transmission for the monster
he'll never drive. When he gets like this I try to ignore him alot cause the
littlest crap can set him off to griping, moaning, yelling, it just ain't
worth it. I swear that man. Now he says he has no choice he's going to sell the
monster piece of crap. "It's just not in the budget right now" Well, my
goodness, the dang thing wasn't in the budget when he ran to Indianapolis and
bought it. Another thing that chaps my khakis with this MAN is that he can have
as many female friends at work as he wants. Thats fine. He thinks its ok to get
online and look up free porn websites. I have never said much on these subjects
cause I don't really give a rats rear end. I know he's not cheating. I don't
think he's that stupid. What gets me is if I sit down and chat with a friend
online (not u Mr Walker or u, Richard) its just any guy. I'm in the wrong. I'm
obviously flirting around just by having a conversation. I may have been wild
in my younger years but believe me, sex just ain't worth the fuss. I've never
cheated on him and won't. Its just not in me to do that. No matter what I did
in my wild younger years. Ed, today I was reminded of something Thomas once
told me back in those wild and younger years, he told me to always screw around
with married men so I didn't have to wash their underwear. Days like today I'm
almost tempted to agree. Almost. Ok, that doesn't mean I'm a bad wife. Adam was
a rude butt hole and I'm feeling sorry for myself. Something that I've
perfected over the past 8 yrs. He left to go to work with a head ache and now
I've got a huge one myself. So I think I'll take some tylenol, sit down on my
still fluffy rump in the recyliner and CHILL out for the rest of the night. I
just had to vent and whine cause I'm a woman and thats what I do. It'll be my
turn to have a bad day soon and Adam can whine about me. For tonight though, I
reserve the right to whine and pout all I want cause he ain't here to see it.
Yes, I make loads of sense don't I?
Ok, I'm done whining now. Hope u all have had a better afternoon than I have
and if anyone ever runs onto one of those How to books for husbands, cranky
husbands to be more exact, let me know. I could use one. At least to whup him
upside the head every now and then.