2nd fill went much better!
Or maybe I just wasn't on edge as much this time?
The fill I had in early December actually went smooth but I wasn't prepared for the "sensation." It felt like more than just a "little *****" to me. I can only equate it to getting an IV from a novice nurse (It's not so bad you've gotta scream and cry but you know you've had better). For the record though, I did say one little cuss word during that first fill. The fill I had today though was simply easier to tolerate so I guess it was truly just a case of nerves the first time.
Dr. Larson located my port on the first try again this time and put another 1cc in it. That means i'm up to 2.6 in a 4cc band. As of right now I can definately feel a difference! I'm eating tomato soup one spoon at a time right now with a couple of mintutes between sips. Time will tell if it's just swelling or true restriction. He said I can go back to a reg diet tomorrow (liquids tonight) but I think I might go to mushies for a day then add reg things one at a time.
I also got the nod to continue my prescription NSAID for my knee. He said to just be sure and take it with a cup of milk or with a nexium so it doesn't upset my pouch. This totally made my day since tylenol or ultracet just doesn't do the trick for me!
I do have a question for those that have the band.....If I do have a bit of swelling what is the typical time it might take for it to resolve?
congrats on the restriction,,,
Take it very slow, you will know when the swelling goes down
My question is will the nsaid keep the swelling down?? that might be a good thing!!
U dont have to rush into a reguar diet, the actual Inamed lapband guide says to start over with each fill, 2 weeks liquid, 2 weeks mushies etc,..
So just be careful and watch you may be tighter in the am
and looser around lunch time..I was too tight and it took me forever to get down 4 oz of protein drink... they said I should have had some taken out. but I didn't know that at the time.,,
Told ya it didnt hurt!!!hehehehe
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band
DS on 11/14/12
Makes me a bit more secure with my next fill at the end of the month. Those little words always seem to slip out don't they! Dr Allen just giggled when I let out a small phrase....Glad to hear you are doing well! Keep it up!
Hey dawn,
Thanks for asking!
I just now sat down to the computer from dinner (we eat late around here) and It's been a good day overall!
No tenderness around the port site. I'm not sure that I've found restriction yet but I'm hopeful! I had 1/2 cup cottage cheese around noon (I don't eat early either!) and felt full to the gills! Had the 8oz chili at wendy's around 4pm and once again felt full to the gills. Dinner was a bit more though. It was maybe 1.5 cups total in volume. Had pork roast with gravy (crock pot version and it was shredded) over about 10 egg noodles and a small scoop of pea salad. I can feel those gills again too! No sensations like I'm stuck or anything though!
I'm happy right now but can tell I'll have to continue to be mindful about total volume with each meal. Most of my choices are pretty decent though which is a good thing.
Tell me about your band. Do you have any restriction? What would you say is the general volume of a basic meal for you? The NUT told me that once I got to a true restriction that about 1 cup per meal would be all I could tolerate. How do your fills go? what is your after-fill phase like?
Good Morning!! I am home with a sick kiddo so I have time to answer all that.
3.0 in it and last fill was 10-31.
I am usuall tight in the am, can actually feel the band it feels heavy till I drink my hot cocoa with protein powder.
I eat off a appetizer plate if eating with todd and katelyn,
If measuring for lunch at work a cup in a bowl usually does the job IF i fini**** For Example I ate two chicken nuggets last night from wendy's and a few fries.. the other morning I had scrambled eggs and a half of a biscuit with gravy and actually ate it all which is unusual.. I think alot of what we can eat is depended on how tight you like or tolerate your band.
I have panic attacks sometimes and I have found that if my band is very tight it causes me to have the panic attack symptoms. If I would stay away from junk I would probably wait a lonnngggg time to get another fill. I dont like the super tightness that they seem to require for it, I might like another 1.0 cc to tighten up a bit but not near the 3.0 he put in the first time.
Dr. Shina does his under floro?? think its spelled wrong. So I get to see the band and pouch and check it out everytime!!
He requires a full restart with fills. 2weeks liquid and 2 weeks soft, etc. That is not so much fun!!!
I do not eat bread, scared to try it. I dont drink soda, though Dr.Shina is the one surgeon who says to try it. I miss drinking out a straw more than anything!! Im thinking about trying it! hehehe.
I read a gorgetown bandsters board, and I follow alot of there guidelines.. I was going to do my surgery there before I found Dr. Shina.
Ok long winded post but thats my band in a nutshell
I found out cookies and ice cream go down very easy. So I BOUGHT 100 cal packs so I can cheat somewhat healthy!!
have a great day!!
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band
Hey there! I just got back from the gym and I'm childless until later today! yeah, preschool and playdates! Gonna check my online stuff, shower and then de-junk Gracie's room today....I live a wild life!
The whole soda debate is very confusing! Even in the same office you'll get varied responses! Dr. Larson's nurse preaches to never touch the stuff again that it WILL erode your band. The NUT whom I see along with every MD appointment says it's up to me and what my band tolerates. The NUT told my mother that the whole "erosion" debate doesn't make any sense since it's on opposing sides of the stomach wall. She mentioned that we eat other fairly acidic things without issue such as tomatoes and citrus as well. She did tell me though that if I was going to drink them be sure to make it diet soda and pour them over ice to let some of the bubbles escape, which is where most people have problems with it. I need to corner Dr. L next time I see him without the nurse in the room and get his opinion. I suspect he'll have a fairly liberal stance on that one as well considering he tells me to go back to eating regular foods the morning after a fill and let me back on my knee meds.
Now, here's my confession....I do drink soft drinks. It started over the Holidays when I was kinda sick to my tummy and I had a few sips of a ginger ale to settle it down. It went down really well and I didn't get gas pains as a result. It was all downhill from there! I do limit myself to one 12oz Diet Pepsi a day though. I also drink with a straw but only when eating out or driving. I started this by accident. I totally forgot the no straw rule about a week after surgery and didn't have a problem. I Told the NUT at this last appointment and she said if a person doesn't have any discomfort from doing it to not worry about it. I did ask if my tolerances to soda and straws could change as my band became more restricted and she said yes, it was possible. Hopefully, I won't start having discomfort with carbonation but if I do i'll hold a wake and let the Diet Pepsi go! A decent weight and good health are more important.
Ok, I've spent too much time at my laptop already! I'm going to run and try to get a few things done! I hope you're little one gets better quickly and hope you have a good day!
Talk again soon!
I'm 17 months out and have lost almost 65 pounds. I've had 11 fills--only 3 since last March when I finally got good restriction (and all 3 fills have brought me back to the same amount: 3.8 cc's in a 4-cc band).
I can eat pretty much anything I try, although I always take tiny bites and chew real well. I occasionally have problems if I eat too fast or am not well hydrated.
With my first 3 or 4 fills, my doctor's office encouraged me to eat normally (for a bandster), and I never had any swelling or problems. Only after my 5th or 6th fill did thye tell me to have only liquids for 24 hours, and so far that has worked for me. Thankfully, I've never had too much fill.
I feel as though my band is working well for me--when I make the right food choices. I still fight head hunger, and I sometimes miss the comfort I used to get from eating when I'm discouraged or tired. But I know the band was the right choice for me, and I'm very pleased with the way it's helping me improve my life.
I love see the different results and things people do with the band!! Im scared of soda, and breadbecause I was really addicted to those!! bigggg time.
Do u all have tightness in the mornings? or is mine all allergy related?? Trying to work out in the am with it tight is hard cause the pressure is so intense till i loosen it up with something warm!!!
How often do you all work out? Anyone addicted to it now? I make myself do it but I sure hate to sweat!!!
Kathy I miss comforting with food too! I have learned alot about me since I got my band thats for sure!!
First 80.5 pounds lost with 3cc's in a 14 ccband now at 7cc's in 14cc band