Starting Over???
I have not been in here in a VERY long time. But I need to talk to the people that understand what I am going through. I had my surgery in september 2005. I lost 110 lbs by time I hit my 1st year. I was with in about 20lbs of my goal weight and I mentally freaked out!! And since then I have not been as good to my self as I was. I allow my self to emotionally eat again, eating all the things I know I shouldn't no matter how sick I know it is going to make me. I am pretty sure I am eating way to much in any one sitting, not to mention snacking all day long. Sugar and Carbs and crbs and sugar and I am afraid to go see my surgeon, but I know I should if I want to get back on track. I have put back on about 25 lbs.
I am asking for some advice in starting over.
My surgeon was Dr. Shina and the RightWeigh Group. I know Dr. Shina can be a bit tough, I think that is why I am afraid of going to see him. I know I should probably go see the RighWeigh nutritionist.
I think going to see the folks at Rightweight is a good start. They will guide you get back on track.
I had my surgery in Dec. 04 and now I can eat alot more than I could after my surgery. (haven't been on here in awhile either) I do find myself turning to food once in a while like the old me. I try to keep reminding myself "I don't want to go back to where I was before surgery" Too many carbs make me feel tired and cranky. Too much sugar will still make me ill. I'm thankful for that!!
Go back to the basics. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN- WATER WATER WATER. I would call Right weight and seek their advice. Maybe a good scare of Dr Shina is not a bad idea. I'm going Feb 27th! We have come to far to go back. You can do this!!
Today is a new day, start over and be tough on yourself, this is after all, about you!!
I tiotally agree about going to see your surgeon, sit down and talk with him...I suggest to anyone who is struggling with eating to seek out emotional support. I have been going to counseling for 3 yrs now and love it...I can talk to her about anything..she helps me see and understand some of my actions. Oh I am so far from perfect, but at least when I am off track in my behavior I can use her tools, stand back and look at myself...then work hard to fix it. I believe my eating is an addiction, I will never feel any different. Like an alcoholic it isn't easy to stay straight,esp around food..the holidays are the worst. Get rid of your snacks, get some protein in...set yourself up on an eating scedhule even if you have to do it by an alarm..another thing is to get involved in your support group, if it's not convenient then start your own..even 3 or 4 people getting together sharing helps so much..
good luck..and please keep posting, we have all been there and done one here will judge you. We're in the same boat..believe me after 4 yrs I have been through just about everyhing..