OT: Well, its almost time to start ttc
Well Adam is almost 2 weeks past having his vasectomy reversed and in 2 more
weeks we can try to have a baby. I won't go further than saying that because my
brothers and most of u men that get this too would probably blush and be
embarrassed. There seems to be alot of negativity from some ppl about having
the reversal. I saw our family doc today for a sinus infection and he said that
its only a 50/50 chance that I'll be able to get pregnant since Adam's
vasectomy was 6 yrs ago. Well obviously the ppl that are negative don't have
the amount of faith in God that I do. I believe with everything I am that this
will work and we will be able to get pregnant. Adam was totally against having
another baby. I won't get into that cause generally when I'd mention him having
his surgery reversed in the past there would be many bad words coming out of
his mouth. I've just kept on praying and believing that someday he'd change
his mind and he did. God has had His Hand on this situation the whole time and
I'm confident that soon I'll be telling all of u our good news and boy, will I
rub it in my dr's face....lol Have a good day everyone. Oh, I'm thinking about
getting a puppy. Adam doesn't know yet. I have to surprise him with stuff like
that. Well he wants a small house dog but with 4 cats I don't believe thats a
good idea. I'm thinking bigger. There are some puppies in the paper that are St
Bernards. That might be too big. The shelters are always full so I'll keep
looking till I find that right one...
Stay warm everyone.

Good luck to both of u on your surgerys. I've found a vasectomy reversal messageboard and I think there should be a tubal reversal board as well if u all were interested in finding out. When we get prg we're going to have a long serious talk about if we want anymore before I do a tubal. Since he had his vasectomy 6 yrs ago and just went thru the reversal, I'll be the one getting a tubal when we're positive we don't want anymore. I think St Bernards are gorgeous. A couple down the road from us has one. U don't see him outside often. He has come up here once and he was very sweet. I'm not sure what we'll get. Hubby wants a small dog for the house and I just don't know yet, we have 4 cats inside and 2 dogs outside now. Take care and best of luck on both your surgerys. Have u guys been approved, had surgery yet? I'm almost 3 yrs post op and if I can be of help with any questions just let me know.
Best Wishes
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