Surgery in the morning!!!
This year I got a very special Christmas gift. For the past 6 yrs now I've believed I'd never have another baby. My hubby had a vasectomy after our daughter was born. After all these years of praying and waiting, mostly impatiently, my prayers have been answered. Someone told me once that God does answer prayers. Maybe not always exactly when we think we need them answered but on His time and its so true. My husband is having his vasectomy reversed for me tomorrow morning. Well, its for him too. He's excited about having another baby now too. Since insurance doesn't cover this he's using money he had put back for his mechnical baby. (a chevy monster truck thing, I'm a girl, I don't know exactly what it is but it needs work lol) He was going to fix up his truck with this money but decided to do the reversal now and fix up his truck in the spring. I did not flat out ask him to change his mind and do the reversal. We've discussed it many times and I guess it just wasn't the right time. 2 weeks ago yesterday he came home from work, we talked about it for over 2 hours. He said to make the necessary appts. It'll be 2 weeks this Friday since our first visit with the surgeon. I have to say I can't believe how quickly we got a surgery date. We saw the surgeon and barely a week and a half later he has surgery...Please keep Adam in your prayers that he doesn't have too much pain and that we're blessed with a little miracle of our own soon...He's off wor****il the 3rd of Jan. They're on Christmas shut down so it worked out wonderfully (thank u Lord) that he wouldn't need to use any vacation days at all. Thank u all for your prayers....
Adam & Ange