I'm home from the hospital!
Hello ya'll,
Just wanted to let ya'll know I am home from the hospital! Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishing I feel so blessed. I know Joy has been keeping ya'll up to day and all I can say is she is such a sweet and wonderful friend!! Thanks Joy!
I had alittle bit of a rough start but thank God I made it through and am so excited about this new part of my life. I did go into detail on my blog if you want to hear what happened you can go to: http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/kellie_b/blog_page,1/month ,12/year,2007/action,view/uzone,blog/blog_id,110973/
This is my first full day at home and it's been a bit trying, I have a fever alittle and I've been hungry all day, my stomach won't quit growling...maybe it's just gas I dunno but it feels like hunger! Anyway, I am real tired right now did alot of email responding and I just wanted to take a moment and say hey!! and "Move over I need to sit down!!!" hehe God bless everyone and have a wonderful night.
Thank God For RNY! Counting down the pounds to a new me:)
Come visit me at these other sites:
Myspace - http://www.myspace.com/always_kellie_baby
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/bakersbazaar
My Personal Blog - http://kellieblogs.blogspot.com/
Yahoo IM & Aol IM - kellibabe1
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!

DS Lab Rats