OT: Neighbors DOG again!
I'm so mad. I think my blood pressure is high and I don't have high blood pressure, anymore. Ok a few weeks ago I posted about my neighbors pit bull mix attacking my dog. I called the dog wardens then, they wouldn't do anything unless the dog got out, came over and "stayed" in my yard. Unless they're vicious we have no leash laws here in our town if your own dog is in your yard. This afternoon my husband, a friend of ours, my 5 yr old daughter, and myself were sitting out in my front yard with my 2 dogs. A samoyed mix and a sheltie mix. The neighbors wife came home, her 14 yr old daughter let all 3 pit mixes out of the house. I heard her calling for the female pit mix (she's the vicious one who attacked my dog before) and I hollered at my husband to get the dogs up and I grabbed my daughter. I told him that damn dog was loose again. He was like, she's in their yard don't worry. Hell, all 3 pits came into my yard. The female jumped my dog again! I grabbed my daughter, got her in, my husband grabbed a shovel out the gargage and ran them off once. By the time I came out with his pistol the female was back. Our neighbors wife sent her 14 yr old daughter over to get the dog and she couldn't do sh@$. I hollered at the mom and told her to get over here and get her damn dog. I called the state police. They said call the dog pound, they were closed, I called the police back and they said to call the dog warden's dispatcher, he gave me the number. They would not come out here because the woman finally started down the road after her dog. She got all the way to the end of our road. That lady never said a word to us. Adam told her to keep them over there or he would shoot them. Monday morning as soon as the county attorney opens I'll be there to file a formal complaint. I should have done that the first time but my husband didn't want me too. He is friends with the neighbor and said he'd talk to him. Well, he can't control the dogs, she can't and the 14 yr old can't. I'm just mad. I hate to be a mean b#@$% but I'm not standing for this anymore. They're like our dogs aren't mean! Well, maybe not to them, not yet. U know whats it going to take to open their eyes? I'm sorry. I'm just pissed.
this is going to sound mean and im sorry for it.
but id shoot it
if i thought my child was in danger id shoot it and then tell them ive called and no one would help me and it keeps attacking my dog with my child right there.
i have a rottie/pit mix and i love her but i wouldnt let her do this stuff..
also i had a cuz who had a bro and sister pit bulls they turned on each other and she tried to break them up and got hurt the police shot both the dogs........
id be pissed to
pit bulls are illegal were we live so my mia is kept in but they are coming in your yard thats wrong.
sorry now im mad too lol
stupid people dive me crazy(like your neighbors)..common sense would tell them to do somethinggg.
stay calm