OT:Need birthday party ideas?
Post Date: 11/2/07 11:46 am
We're doing a bday party thing for my dad, father in law, my stepson, my daughter all together. Since we're also going to Osage Beach Missouri at Thanksgiving we're doing a big dinner that day too. Heres a list of stuff I'm fixing. Also, what sort of games do little kids like? I've thought of pin the tail on the donkey, limbo, connect 4, hungry hungry hippo, red light, green light, red rover. What am I missing? Anyone know how to make chicken and dumplings?
Baked Hams
Mashed Potatoes and gravy
Mac and Cheese
Broccoli and Cheese
Chicken and Dumplings
Tater Salad
Cole Slaw
Corn on the Cob
Beans and Cornbread
Turnip Greens
Green Beans
pineapple upside down cake
better than sex cake (this is the name of it, I'm not being perverted)
and the kids both want those big sheet cakes from Walmart since Mom (me) isn't good at decorating.
I keep feeling like I'm leaving something out. Does this sound like it'll be enough? U know if no one shows up we'll have a heck of alot of food, lol. If u want to come and didn't get a mailed invite, let me know. I'll send u directions. Let me know some games too! It's been many years since I was young enough to remember what sorts of games little kids like. I am 30 now u know, getting over the hill :)
We're doing a bday party thing for my dad, father in law, my stepson, my daughter all together. Since we're also going to Osage Beach Missouri at Thanksgiving we're doing a big dinner that day too. Heres a list of stuff I'm fixing. Also, what sort of games do little kids like? I've thought of pin the tail on the donkey, limbo, connect 4, hungry hungry hippo, red light, green light, red rover. What am I missing? Anyone know how to make chicken and dumplings?
Baked Hams
Mashed Potatoes and gravy
Mac and Cheese
Broccoli and Cheese
Chicken and Dumplings
Tater Salad
Cole Slaw
Corn on the Cob
Beans and Cornbread
Turnip Greens
Green Beans
pineapple upside down cake
better than sex cake (this is the name of it, I'm not being perverted)
and the kids both want those big sheet cakes from Walmart since Mom (me) isn't good at decorating.
I keep feeling like I'm leaving something out. Does this sound like it'll be enough? U know if no one shows up we'll have a heck of alot of food, lol. If u want to come and didn't get a mailed invite, let me know. I'll send u directions. Let me know some games too! It's been many years since I was young enough to remember what sorts of games little kids like. I am 30 now u know, getting over the hill :)
1.At our kid parties and some adult parties too. We will put everyone into teams of 3 or 4 and give the team one roll of TP and they have to make the most orginal outfit of course being worn by one of the team members. Put each team in a room if possible. Then a small prize is given to the most orginal creation(maybe just a large 1st place ribbon).
2.Musical chairs is also good.
3. and 4.Hopefully it will be warm outside there. You could do egg toss or water balloon toss outside if weather is looking good.
5. You need paper plates, whip cream and a piece of gum(double bubble gum works well). Everyone gets a plate with gum in the middle covered with alot of whip cream(with hands behind there back). The 1st person to get to the gum and blow a bubble wins.
Hope this help some. Have Fun at the party take lots of pics..