Nortons suburban?
Hi all
Ive ben gone awhile due to the death of my fathers. So i have not been able to keep up with the latest with regards to suburban getting the center of excellence status.
Does anyone know if they are a center of excellence so that us medicare patients can go there?
any answers are greatly appreciated.
thank you
Jesus Saved Me!
Hi there. I just checked for u and they were approved Oct 10th.
Your options are Dr Geller and Dr Shina now if u want Suburban as your hosp.
Here is the link if u want it... p?filtertype=dual&datefiltertype=&datefilterinterval=&filter type=data&datafiltertype=4&datafiltervalue=KY&keyword=&intNu mPerPage=10&cmdFilterList=Show+Items
Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!! I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit! PLEASE!!!! Follow your program's rules!!