Ky Meet-Up, All Invited...
As per suggestion of Gerri, I thought maybe we could continue this discussion in a new thread at the top-o-the page.
I too would like to get together in a Ky meet up as Mike and I had a wonderful time meeting Gerri and Becky at the last one.
How about a meet up sometime in the next few weeks? This will give everyone time to schedule the time aside and a date that will work for all of us. I'm think the 9th of November. It's a Friday, so how about it?
Will this work for anyone else? Next we need to determine a nice location that is easily accessible for all of us.
Come on Kentucky--where would y'all like to meet?

Anyone in Ky is invited; of course you can come!! We want you to come!!
Does anyone want a specific kind of food? We got a real nice Mexican restaurant here and a nice Applebees. The Mexican restaurant makes great fajitas; Mike and I were able to share a plate of those after surgery.
Is Lexington a neutral base for everyone or do any of you have any ideas for a place that would be neutral for everyone?
My suggestion is Lexington at the El Chicos Mexincan restaurant. Anyone else have one?