Hello eveyone.
Im a lurker on here i love to see what everyone is up to..
I tried to get my surgery last year done all the test and then found out there was an exclusion and i was devasted.

But my dh now has tricare which will pay im told .
So i have to refresh my cardio and pulmonary visits.

Well the pulmonary dr wants the test done over..

Well okay cept i hate that little phone booth im fraid i wont fit..lol
Well the dr goes over the risk off surgery again with us, i tell him i understand and if i wouldnt of found Dr.Sonnastine i probaley wouldnt be having the surgery , he puts me at ease and i feel so safe with him..

After the test on the 5th they will summit to tricare and we will keep our fingers crossed.
Everone enjoy your weekend I love Fall.