Need your help
I use to take the bari pak but it was a trip for me to lexington to get them,so now my doc says i can take one multi vit a day any kind........iron pill(ferrous fumrate),calcium pill,b-12,bioten and benefiber for my bowels. And thats all. But your doc should give you a list of what he wants you on and thats what i did for the first yr. But now 2 yrs out i do fine with over the counter ones.
It was more economical for me and Dh to just buy our vitamins over the counter at Walmart. (which we did)
We were given a list of vitamins to take after surgery and that is pretty consistent to what I take now. (only bought at walmart)
So far I've done pretty good, with the exception of low iron, something common among menstrating women.
Make sure to ask for a list of what specific vitamins you're to take (all surgeons are different) if for some chance you don't already get one.
Good luck--
P.S. Vickie, it's good to see you! I hope you and the familias are doing well! Will call you soon!