Bowel problems????
When worried call and get an appt with your surgeon first.
I am pre op and no pro but researched for years now...
I do know constipation sometimes severe(impaction) is common after RNY. Up your water and fiber and add a stool softner in your daily routine. Exercise if you arent.
You will hurt until all thats impacted works its way out.
As for a pocket, never heard of it. And... The colon isnt touched in WLS
Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!! I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit! PLEASE!!!! Follow your program's rules!!

When one door of happiness closes, another opens:
but often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Helen Keller
Hi Angela....................i have to take Miralax and benefiber daily. I to had so many problems with my bowels and the pain. I was referred to a gastro doc that just found out what is wrong with my bowels. I have also had impacted bowels and 10 blockages and 3 surgeries to correct the blockages. When i was in the pain you describe i had adheshions wrapped around my intestines and it was only found through laporscopic surgery. But now i have been told i have blind loop syndrome from my bypass. See the bowels get kinked and cause me pain and then i have to just pull my knees up and wait for them to come ondone. I do take librax for this pain. I have had a full blockage that made me throw up everything. My advice is dont wait along time because without the proper blood flow your intestines can die and have to be removed. But just do some research and you find alot about blind loop syndrome,if that is what is causing your pain. You take care Vickie
This exact same thing has happened to me twice. Listen for the initial cleaning out…doesn't that sound nice. I bought Fleets Phospho-soda Oral Saline Laxative.this will clean you out 15min after you drink it. Warning the stuff is just nasty as hell! But it works!
Because the Miralax will NOT get all that mess out of there. After that I take miralax every morning and have been regular now for the past two months. If the pain continues which it did on me I started taking Pepcid OT because I believe I may have an ulcer or acid reflux anyway taking this daily has made the pain stop.
Good luck!