need help im looking for dr that takes medicaid in ky for the lap band
Hi Gwen, I know exactly where Kimper is.. Pike Co, right?
My doctor took Medicaid and she does lapband, her name is Laura Velcu, if you call (606) 638-3813 and ask for Robin she'll send you the necessary paperwork to get you started. She is located in Louisa Ky.
Another doctor close is the doctors at Kings Daughters Medical Center, I think there are several doctors who do the surgery there..Dr. Thompkins is one. A little bit further out is Dr. Nease .. he is located in Huntington WV (my bf went there and he is really pleased with him and the entire staff) All of these take Medicaid.. Good Luck and if you have any questions please just email me... More than likely you will have no problem getting approved. It only took like a week for me. Take Care, Katrina :-)