OT:Neighbors dog attacked my dog!

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 7:26 am - Elizabethtown, KY
Our neighbor has a pit bull mix dog. He has a male and a female and breeds them all the time even though their not full stock. (yes, he's an idiot) Ok 2 weeks ago the female (who is a little smaller and alot meaner than the male) broke her chain (its actually a cable thick as a man's finger) and went to our other neighbors yard and tried to bite him.  He hollered and kicked at her and ran her off without him being bitten.  He told the owner that day to keep the dog up because it wasn't the first time she'd been over there and the next time he was going to call someone. Ok, this afternoon my 5 yr old daughter was outside playing with our 2 dogs. She was not close to the road and in our yard. This female pit mix, ran across the road and was after my daughter. My little white dog, Snowball ran into the pit before she could get to Allison. Of course Snowball is a small dog, not tiny but not huge either and the that dog grabbed her throat and wouldn't let go. The owner came running out, he grabbed his dog but couldn't get her to let go. Adam and I ran out there and neither of us are cruel, we love animals and our animals are our babies too but he did hit that dog 3 times to get her to let go. He didn't punch her or hurt her but he did hit her to get her off Snowballs neck. Snowball is ok, thank God. Allison is ok the dog didn't get close to her but what about next time? Who do u call in a case like this? The dog pound says if u have a animal problem u have to have dog in your yard tied up before they come get it, boy, thats makes alot of friggin sense when u have mean dog running around that will bite u. Of course, u're going to run out there, take a chance on being bitten and catch the dang thing. Well, he took it home after he said "Sorry, dude". Who do u call and complain too? There are alot of little kids in our neighborhood besides my own. I don't want this happening again even to my dogs, not too mention any of the little ones. I'd appreciate some pointers on who to call in a case like this. Hugs Ange Heres a pic of Snowball and Dan. Snowball is supposedly a samoyed mix, Dan is a sheltie mix. They're our furry babies. Yes, cold as it is, my goofy husband shaved his head last night.
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on 10/11/07 7:31 am - Danville, KY
We had something similar happen. I contacted the police department and filed a formal complaint. I let them know what exactly had been happening. From there I contacted the humane society. If they are telling you that the animal has to be tied in your yard, then they are incorrect. If the animal has been dangerous then THEY are responsible for picking up the animal. I would touch base with the police department and see who they reccomend you call. If your local department seems disinterested contact the state police, and report to them as well. Hope this helps!
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 7:59 am - Elizabethtown, KY

I'll do it and some of my other neighbors are calling in our her too. The whole neighborhood saw it. I had ppl calling to make sure Snowball was ok. I'll call the humane society tomorrow and the police.


LaChelle R.
on 10/11/07 8:24 am - Erie, PA
Make sure you take pictures of the dogs neck, or fur where the other one grabbed her.  Any documentation will help out in the process of the formal complaint.  Luckily I have never had this to happen before, and I am sorry that this has happened to you. Hope you get the results you are wanting.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/07 9:34 am - Elizabethtown, KY
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