Scared? Normal?
Okay, so my surgery is Friday. I'm now a bit scared. Go figure. I've started the bowel prep (does chicken noodle soup without the noodles and chicken count as liquids??). Does anyone else (or did anyone else) have an overwhelming fear of not waking up? Am I being silly? I mean, is it normal to have this fear? Anyone got any insight on this? Thanks!!
Broth is a liquid so ur ok there.
As for the fear... Though I have not had this surgery. I have had other surgeries before and YES it is very normal to be nervous or scared. The whole part of not being in control of yourself or what is going on around you is very scarey. After all, we are putting our lives in their hands.
If it makes you feel any better at all. They say the lapband is quite easy to heal from...
I am here for you if you need me.
Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!! I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit! PLEASE!!!! Follow your program's rules!!
Oh Lisa....
Scared is sooo normal. I thought I could work up to the day of my surgery...yeah right. I kissed my daughter and left for work the day before my surgery and cried THE WHOLE TIME on my way to work, walked in work and lost it even more...thinking about my kids and what If I dont wake up its normal,but now its so in the past. I am so happy even with minor complications...I am so happy.Best of luck to you. Let me know if you need anything.
DS on 11/14/12
I was also worried about the same thing when I went just to have my heart cath done, so I took the steps to give myself reassurance by taking someone with me that could make a rational decision, if one needed to be made, and then making out my living will, advance directive and power of attorney. I talked with my kids (16 and 14) and explained my fears and just let them know that I am doing this so that I will be there for them as they grow and start their own lives. Scared of not waking up? Heck yes....but more scared of what my weight has already done to my health and will continue to do if I do not do something about it now.....