I made it back!
Well, my nutrition class was fine. My psychological eval was ok. All we did was talk for about 15 minutes, and that was surprizing. I had to watch a video which took 30 minutes. My nutritionist is funny, and she kept on laughing when I would bring out all my samples, bottles of water, my bottles of boullion, and all my packs of crystal light! LOL She thought that was good that I even carried the stuff with me!
So, after I leave there, I am driving along, and decide to call Dr. Shinas office. Just to politely let them know that I was done with the nut and psyche evals. They connect me with some woman I have never heard of before over there. She procedes to tell me that there is no weight documentation recorded, and if she were to submit it today, my insurance would DENY me! I said......."You had better have all the records, I gave you 5 YEARS worth of documentation!!! AND, besides that, my insurance does NOT require 6 months of medical documentation of weight management programs!" She said "So you want me to submit it when we get your evals and nut class papers in??? Even without this?" I said again that they have over 5 years worth of documents, and she had better start finding it!
I was ready to blow my top!!! So, after her smart-a$$ed comments, I told her to yes, submit it as soon as they get the papers in. Then I just hung up and started to pray!!! Pray that 1) I didn't drive over there and run over her foul mouth! 2)Pray that I didn't get so angry that it would make me lose my temper at anyone driving near me at the time in traffic! 3)Pray that I didn't just give up on everything!!! 4) And pray that if she submitted it as soon as they get my tests back, that she is the one to get the approval letter again as soon as my ins. sends it! By the time I was out of traffic, I felt more calm and at peace.......just a little on the annoyed side more than anything else!
I went shopping for a bit, and picked up a few things that my nutritionist suggested that I get. I am on PRE-NATAL vitamins!!! I just about fell in the floor laughing when she told me that was what they suggest! I can see why, because it has everything needed all rolled up into one! Now if I don't throw them up like I did when I was pregnant! LOL
When I got home, I called the insurance company and notified them that I had already gotten done with my tests as of right now, and that my dr. would be submitting the papers in a couple days. The woman on the other end of the line said very politely "Thank you so much. I will make a note right now to be expecting the papers then! I know you are getting so excited, and we are all happy for you here at the office!" You have to remember, this is a small insurance office, and I have been on the phone with them all so much, we all know each other by first names! lol That made me really feel good that everything is going to be just fine! Just keep your fingers crossed that the crazy heifer at the drs. office doesn't leave something out on purpose!

At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Thanks Missy. I am sure she just needs to get ...........! You fill in the blank! haha Like I said, I wanted to go to the office and yank a knot on her head and run over her fat, cranky smart-a$$ed mouth! lol I am better today tho! hahaha
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
DS on 11/14/12
OMG LaChelle!!!!
All I can say is I am glad I was on my way to Indy rather then Louisville! It is so frustrating to deal with some of these people! I will never understand why they are so rude sometimes and give you the run around. I guess they figure we will take it since they hold everything in their hands and we are at their mercy! Its still no excuse! Glad everything went well for ya though! I take my pre nats at bedtime so that I can sleep through the nausea.....but boy do I feel so much better! Funny thing was I put both my teenage daughters on them since we know how healthy teenagers eat! I am hoping to avoid as many colds this year as possible.....they both feel better too

Hi Lachelle,
I'm so glad you got the final tests out of the way. I sure hope that lady does what she is suppose to do and turn in your paperwork! I know you are excited and God will provide and all will work out well. I'm crossing fingers and toes....hehehe
Did you already get your prenatal vitamins? I order some online and they are very cheap I think it was like less than $3 for 100 pills and I think it's almost $9 at WalMart. The company that I went through is called Puritan Pride and they are suppose to be a really good company to buy vitamins from. I wanted to try that Stevia all natural sweetener so I ordered that and the prenatals and I think my shipping was free....they even sent my a $5 off coupon for my next order. The Stevia which is from a herbal plant takes some getting use to so I am not for sure about it yet. They also have the Whey Protein.
Well keep us up to date when you find out when you can have surgery!!
Take care!
Thank God For RNY! Counting down the pounds to a new me:)
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