So, I had the PET test this afternoon. Let me go on record by saying it is the WORST thing I have EVER gone through in my life, including childbirth! I cannot even describe the feelings that went through me, and the sheer terror of not being able to breathe. The GOOD news is, everything is fine-which is good because I will NEVER agree to have one of these things again. Cath me, but screw the PET.
Hubby has Molares Meningitis, (viral-not the dangerous one). Hopefully he will be home from the hospital tomorrow. I am going on about 2 hours of sleep, so am crashing early. Just wanted to let you guys know how that (@#$(*$$&)@#$&)@(# test went!
Yep, I will never forget how horrible that test was... I am so glad u are ok though.
Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!! I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit! PLEASE!!!! Follow your program's rules!!
It is a test that is used for detailed imaging of certain parts of organs. In my case, it was the heart. They inject Thallium into your body that dilates all of your arteries and veins then take pictures. I cannot even describe the hell that this was. You cry, you have a panic attack, you can't breathe, you sweat, it was awful. I believe there is a website somewhere that can give you exact details.