Scared-a bit. Anyone know anything about a PET test??

Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!! I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit! PLEASE!!!! Follow your program's rules!!
I know to me other then waiting ofcourse, that the fear of the unknown was always the worst. I was SO thankful that I had someone tell/warn me of the test before I went for mine so I atleast knew somewhat to expect. SOme like the friend that told me didnt know anything about it so she was totally suprised and scared when that last phase started. Would be nice if they knocked ppl out for that test. lol
Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!! I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit! PLEASE!!!! Follow your program's rules!!
Thanks guys-hey Joy-I had the stress test done, and they did the IV thing then with the radioactive isotope (Cardiolite?) stuff injected into the IV. They did this over a two day period. The more I talk to people the more I'm learning this is really in my best interest-to make sure nothing happens to me on the table. I'd rather be safe than sorry, but the countdown is on and I just want to be OVER all of this now LOL!
Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!! I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit! PLEASE!!!! Follow your program's rules!!