hows it going
Hi My name is Vickie, i want you to no that your not in this alone. I have been accused from my family that im a **** i have changed,i am not the old Vickie blah blah blah............there damn right im not the old Vickie!!!! I am not 260lbs no more, i dont eat all day long,my life does not revovle around food. I am a 128lb hot momma. I get out and live unlike before. Yes i was not aware of people that i thought was my support to turn there backs on me and hate me. I love me and me and my hubby have been together since i was in grade school. This surgery did change somethings but were still together. But after all i had a good marriage before weight loss surgery. I tell ya what i let my family run me down to 108lbs and i was on lorizpam,klonapin,and effexor. So my advice would be get help if you need it. You still are the same person,but in there eyes you have changed. I did change a little. I dress a little ****y when i go out but i have earned it, You have earned this and enjoy yourlife. We are not promised tommorow........................and this is what i live by......................YOU DONT HAVE TO LIKE ME .............I DONT LIVE TO PLEASE YOU ANYWAYS. So take your life one day at a time and the lord will work it out. Sorry the post is so long but i needed this today. You take care and dont get to skinny lol. You look great!!!! Vickie