OT:Prayers needed
Post Date: 9/30/07 7:30 am
Last Edit: 9/30/07 7:32 am
This is Adam's ex brother in law and good friend Rick in the pics with Adam,
Allison and Adams dad. Rick is the one that I've asked u all to pray for. They
say its just a matter of time. He is in good spirits though. He seems to
remember more than he used too and he talks about getting out of the nursing
home/rehab place and going home to take care of himself. He met us at the door
when we got there. He kept saying how he's improving everyday and getting
better and that broke my heart. When we asked the nurse if we could sign him
out to take him to Mcdonalds and Walmart we asked her what he could have to eat
(he's been on dialysis for yrs, he's been a bad diabetic for a long time) and
she just shook her head and said he could have anything he wanted. She said
that its just a matter of time, he's a walking time bomb according to them. I'm
not sure exactly what this is called but theres a artery in his stomach that is
clogged pretty bad. All his arteries are bad, brittle. I don't know. I do know
that God can work miracles. He made a blind man to see, He made a lame man to
walk. He saved me. If its His Will he could touch Rick and Rick would be made
whole. I ask u all again to keep this sweet man in your prayers. The family has
all but given up. The kids have asked Adam to be a pallbearer when Rick passes.
Yesterday it just seemed impossible that he could be so bad. On a happier note,
Adams aunt Rosie is recovering (she had rectal cancer and has been thru chemo, radtiation and now surgery) and they say they got all the cancer. Thank God
for that. It was a good day yesterday. I'm glad we spent time with Rosie and
Rick both. It was just sad. He and Adam grew up together and it hurts. Thanks
again for your thoughts and prayers on this.
Adam and Angela
It was a long day yesterday. We got up at 8am. Drove down to Hopkinsville, saw
Rosie, she was still in ICU. We drove up to Princeton (Adam got lost so we went
the scenic route) spent a couple hours with Rick, drove back to Hopkinsville
and spent time with Rosie. It was almost 1am when we got home and I'm beat
this morning, but it was worth it.
I have to go back and copy and paste the pic, it'll show up in a few, hopefully.