Dr. Sonnanstine patients... ?
I would like to address this if I may...I was personally trained as a patient advocate by Dr. Sonnanstine..though I totally believe in him we do have our difference of opinion from time to time..though it's rare. This subject being one of them.... In the beginning Dr. Sonnanstine would tell his patients "diet" soda or anything else is fine in moderation...his answer to the soda thing is strictly scientific. He tells me there is absolutely no proof that soda damages or stretches the pouch....but I can tell you I go to meetings with him, I hear him speak often and I attend a class with his pre-ops, he never tells his patients it's ok to do anything....he tells his patients if you can't handle it, don't do it even in moderation...what they walk away hearing is another story.. As My friend Sarah states here..it only leads back to bad habits..at 4 yrs out now I have yet to touch carbonated drinks.....but my personal theory and this again only pertains to me...I have a really really bad addiction to certain things and soda was top on my list. It was not unusual for me to pop open a 2 litre bottle of regular coke when I got home from work, have it finished by bed time.....and I wonder why I had kidney problems and diabetes......ugh. Once I had my surgery I was determined to fight the things that I had a problem with..I tell patients constantly, if you had a problem with it before surgery...watch out after....if it's something you can do ok with ..then perhaps moderation would be fine for you.. Remember your doctor is operating on your belly, not your head...that first year out is so important as to how you will live the rest of your life...change habits and change lifestyle and you will do just fine...if not then as your friend is finding out..it gets more and more difficult...the surgeons and professionals at the centers can only help so far..after that..you have to take responsibility for your eating habits and how well you do with the program... Dr. Sonnanstine can't come home with us to watch what we eat and drink.. he can only provide us the tool...I have also heard once you get to goal you can have a small piece of cake or a taste of sugar...again I know patients who can have that tiny bit...and walk away from the rest...for me it's a danger zone so it's rare I will even try....you can't imagine the junk food that has been thrown away after parties or during the holidays because I can't handle it in "moderation"... in short..if your friend is having problems with something such as diet soda...or any thing else hurting her weight loss...I truely wish she would call the office and make an appt with the doc...Taryn or the dietician.....she can always email me if she would like...we have all been there and know the struggle..post op support groups are also available and so important.. Brenda [email protected]
you are very welcome for my response ....I can promise you one thing..the doc didn't tell her M & M's are ok....ACK!!
she is self sabotaging...but the one thing you can do for her is to set that example..show her how you deal with busy days by pulling out the healthier choices...it's hard for me at work, there is constanly cookies, donuts, candy...I work on a surgical/oncology floor in the local hospital....you would not believe how nurses eat..lol but most of the junk comes from families who are showing their gratitude for taking care of family members, etc. ...so it's non stop. I dread the holidays if it's this bad now!! being prepared is the key, I take a cooler with cheese sticks, meat roll ups...and you can ask Chris..and I will vouch for her..you never see either of us without a bottle of water.. I didn't believed in protein bars because I felt they too would take me back to the old "bad habits"..but they have been a lifesaver fighting the junk food. ( I only allow myself one per day) Well gotta go study and finish writing a paper..had a crazy couple of weeks and fell behind..now I am working like the dickens to catch up.. see ya all later Brenda