stupid people
Okay so I just need ot vent for a bit. I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken with my family tonight and ate just a litte. It ended up making me sick. I was in the bathroom and I threw up. I know that's gross but we all know that sometimes it is just part of it. Anyway, this skinny woman comes in with a girl probably about 10 y.o. I was trying to be very discreet but I guess she heard me and the skinny b**tch said, "I guess I won't go, I'll hold it." She let her daughter use the restroom and then they left. When I finished I went back and joined my family and the lady kept giving me dirty looks. Then when they were leaving she looked at her husband and said, "There's that girl."
I wanted to get up and kick her booty for being so snooty. Good thing I am only 5 weeks post-op and still little sore.
I just wanted to know if this type of thing has happened to any of you guys and how you handled it. Sorry, I know this is stupid I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.