Thank You
I want to Thank all of you who have prayed for me, left me wonderful emails and nice comments on my upcoming surgery. Words can not really express how I feel right now. I am so grateful that there are people like you out there who actually care and show concern for people they do not even know! I tear up just reading the nice things you have to say when you respond not only to myself but others also. So again thank you for taking the time to read what I write, for the time it takes you to respond and the words of wisdom you leave. It is very much appreciated and taken to heart. I can not wait to start my journey to a new life and a new me. To be a loser and to join you all on the losers bench will be a pleasure! Until then take care and GOD BLESS you all!! P.S. To the ones who are waiting on approval~ or a surgery date or going thru the ropes to have surgery, good luck to you all! Your time will come sooner then you think, it did for me.