I was gonna go but have been sick. Startin to think part of my sickness and severe tummy pain is stress related. Waitin on this surgery is gettin to me now. Done went through the BS with Dr Shina's office and now its like an act of God to get a return call from the insurance person at Dr Allen's office that apparently doesnt check charts before sendin out a paper sayin what info is needed all highlighted. If she had looked most was in my chart! And to top it off, 2 papaers come in the same envelope and they both have 2 differant fax numbers and contact ppl!! Im like wtf! at this point.

Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!! I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit! PLEASE!!!! Follow your program's rules!!