Dr appointment today
I saw Dr Steiner today. I do not have gall stones or anything associated with the Gall Bladder. It look slike an ulcer and tomorrow Dr Steiner will do a scope. He put me at ease and of course I am placing myself in his hands. On the up side I have lost 78 pounds to date by their scale. What a moment. I actually passed Dr Steiner by in the hall and he smiled and then turned around and came back and said I did not recognize you . SO what a great moment for me.
More update after my test tomorrow.

You are looking so good!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your problems with the possible ulcer, but having Doc Steiner watching your back is a major bonus! With him, any problem, will not be any problem.
Congratulatoins on your weight loss and please keep us posted on how you're doing!
Take care--