just joined and looking for lapbanders
HI- Kentucky Girl...thanks for your advice and I love hearing from those that have walked before me...makes me more at ease. I went to work this morning to pick something up and I checked my email there- we're self-insured and I had received an email from my insurance saying that they had received everything and it all looked good....they said they would let my surgeon know; so I guess I can expect a phone call this week to set up pre-op tests. I've been working with insurance and driving them crazy for months- so they finally said yes! I'm so excited. What pre-op tests besides blood work did you have to have? My surgeon said something about a test to check your esophogas; he said you would have to drink something- I told him no tubes down my throat without being knocked out, yet and he said that wasn't it.....I was relieved. He said the tests would take 1/2 a day, just wondering what all they were? Also, have you had your first fill, yet? If so, how was that? Did it hurt? Were you starving before the first fill or not? Thanks for answering my questions and here's my email; [email protected]. If you don't care send me before pics and some as you go and I'll do the same, I love watching the progress- it's like magic seeing those before and after pics...can't wait til I'm one!
Hi!! I just got banded friday the 14 of sept. So far im tender at the port site and walk hunched a lil but all in all, I think Im doing ok. I haven't even used pain meds, filled them and didn't take them. I take ibuprofen a few times but that it! Im so excited to see some fellow lapbanders. My aunt had bypass so we cant compare woes... Have a great day!!! Dawn