be careful.........
Hi my Ky Family......I was coming on to post that i had another accident. I no some of you remember when i passed about a month ago and hurt my head. Well yesterday i was home alone and passed out and i tried to catch myself i guess and thats when my hand went through my living room glass. I have been having low blood sugar for about 6 mo now............down in the 40s most of the time. Well yesterday it was low when the ambulance got here. I have posted my pictures of my arm and the stitches i had to get. So for anyone that is having low blood careful. I go back thrus to see what my enderconogist. wants to do. But my doc told me this is becoming a common side affect of gastric bypass. They say they see this more and more everyday. But im scared to drive or go outside now. But i no i have to keep right on.............I hope all is well with you all.
hey --sorry to hear about ya passin out and fallin---my sugars gets low too -- to me i can tell when it gets in the 70s-- i feel better when its like 90-100- but when it gets like 70 i feel like im DRAGGIN BAD- if it got lower i might also pass out, it feels like it anyway---i test my sugar every couple days with my dads tester or Tams tester- i try to eat a lil sugar to make up for it just summin small to help
Oh my gosh Vickie!!!!
I am soooo so sorry this happened to you! What is your endo going to do about it? Are you still eating every 2 hours or so?
I am real worried about you. I am sorry I haven't called you, but I've been very stressed out and dealing with school. (it consumes most of my time now)
I am sending some positive healing vibes your way and will be calling you in the next few days.

Hey Dee.................. im fine. Yes i am eating every hr now lol. Carrots,fruit,plenty of veggies lol. I go to the doc in the morning to see what they wanna do. I have also been busy. i had to work Sams Consession at the game. She has another game on friday .................Stevens gonna do that one. Other than being busy..............everything is great. And i am up to 130lbs which is a little scary because i no that in my mind i think i look fat agian,but in everyone elses eyes i look healthy. But let me say i no where my body needs to be and 108 at my lowest is not the answer. So i am just gonna have fun and Be with my beautiful daughter and my good lookin husband. Dee you and Mike take care and just keep on rockin!!!!!
My endo has not started on me yet my BS constantly hovers around 75-80 whenever I go to her office. But I seem to snack on my carrots or strawberries when I am at work. plus I am always drinking my iced tea to keep my fluids up.
You be careful Vickie. That BS is not something to play with. I contantly argue with my mom about hers being so low also.
Hey girl... definately be careful. I know exactly what you are going through with the passing out. I do it also but mine isnt blood sugar.... we dont know whats causing it. Bill caught me just before I fell down the stairs when I passed out once. Just 2 weeks ago I woke up on the floor by my front door... its scary as all hell and I wish I knew what the heck the prob is. I am dizzy all the time. I do my vitamins and water and protein and still dizzy all the time.