3 weeks pre op....
Tomorrow will make 3 weeks since my surgery. I saw Dr. Shina last Tues. at my 2 week check up. I have lost 26 since the surgery and 46 all together since my first appt. with Dr. Shina. He told me I was losing to quick. He wanted me to start on some meats, eggs, cottage cheese and Holly said I could eat the mozzarlla cheese sticks from the frige. for protien. So Im still eating so little, I started nibbleing on a protien bar instead of the drinks. I seem to be able to get the protien bar down better then the drinks. Has anybody else ever done that? But was just wondering what everybody else was eating at 3 weeks out? Hope to hear from some of you soon. I still have a tube and half of the staples in my stomach. I had 57 in all. Some of the incisions have got infected but I had to go to the local ER last night and they fixed them for me. I am hoping to get my energy level back up soon. And next tuesday I get all the hardware out of my stomach. YAY
Then I can actually take a shower and bath
No more sponge baths. That will feel so great. Hope to hear from you soon.

from what ive seen on here i think everyone had a different diet from different docs-- i was on liquids for 3 weeks like soups and stuff--i lost 40 lbs in 9 days and plz becareful-- i lost to quickly and spent 4 days in the hospital from that also-- GET YA LIQUIDS -- take it ez the weight will come off- i thought it was cool to drop 40lbs in 9 days but i paid for it-- take ya time on solids from what ive seen -----BEST OF LUCK
I dont think the solids are sitting to well. The tuna was like boom just laid there. So I havent tried it since. I seem to do ok on the chicken, real fine and minced up. That seems to be the only solid I can handle ok. i have been trying the protien bars, like nibbling on them during the day. Did you try those or did you stick with the liquid. The last few days I havent felt well at all, just like nausea and nothing settles good in my stomach. I think it might be the protien bars, so I am going to lay off them and try the drinks again. Any kinda information is needed.
At three weeks I was still on liquids. When I started pureed foods I would put chicken (cubes work best) or tuna in my bullet blender and add low fat mayo, little onion, sugar free relish made with splenda and some shredded cheese. I would blend it to almost a paste and then eat small spoonfull at a time. It really was pretty good. Well after being on full liquids for 4 weeks it was great.
My staples were taken out at 8 days. I was told the longest they left them in was 10 to 14 days because the body would start to reject them after that and I would have a problem with them getting infected.
pan head

the food sounds good, the staple thing does not. I have had my staples in since Aug 20th. They are supposed to take them out next Tues. I have had some problem with the infections and had to go to the er yesterday. And yes they were infected. So they put me on some more antibiotics. Thanks for the tip on the food. Where did you find sugar free relish at?
egg salad is good or just boiled eggs I eat alot of eggs that early out ,& yougart ,but drink your protein it is import I am a year & 5 months out still drink it every am for breakfast just find one you like & stick with it ,I drink Adkins advantage & put a scoop of vanilla protein podwer in it with a squirt of sugar free choc syrup & blend it up it is yummy just play around with your drinks & find one you like mix & match them, good luck hope thing go better when you get the staples out ,
The first food I tried when I was given the go for pureed foods was tuna. It has been the only time in my WLS history I threw up. It took me a long time to get a taste for fish after that. I also couldn't stomach mayo.
Of course, this has all changed now. I am finding little to no foods I can't tolerate. A little scary if you ask me.
When I was 3 weeks out, I was eating things like boiled eggs, string cheese, chicken salad (a homemade kind I make) and soups--lots and lots of soups. My protein was a must and still is. Like Becky, I still do a protein shake every morning before class. It's just part of my routine.
I am glad to see that you're feeling better. I hope things continue to be on the upscale.
Good luck--
I am about 4 weeks out. I am eating normal food now just a lot lot less. I eat a lot of tuna and meat. I have just been playing around with the food that I am eating to see what works for me. Chicken makes me a little nauseous. I need to start my vitamins and protein shakes but so far just haven't gotten that yet. Are you taking Flintstones that Dr. Shina says to take? When are we supposed to start the B12 shots? It feels so overwhelming all the information to take in when you are so new to WLS. Maybe it's just me.