
Sarah B.
on 9/6/07 10:08 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Yes! its that time again lol. I got some new ink. Yesterday Bill told me to look through his flash and find a tat I liked... so I did and he put it on the side of my upper left thigh. He still needs to color it in but we decided to give my leg a break. It didnt hurt and the pic doesnt do it justice by any means. I will post another pic once its completely finished. I put a pic in the "my story" section and I will attempt to put on here so you guys  can see.  sarahtat.jpg picture by tat_goddess

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Chris N.
on 9/7/07 12:06 am
Sarah, That's so cool!   What colors is he going to put with it?  Although I like it as it is...


When one door of happiness closes, another opens:
but often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

Helen Keller

Sarah B.
on 9/7/07 1:09 am - Cincinnati, OH
TY! its traditional japanese so the colors will be red and gold..(on the lotus flower). im thinking I might have him do some purple shading as well..Other than that the color will remain as is which I also like lol... so Chris.............when are you getting one??? He's one hell of an artist lol just ask the family lol. .

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Chris N.
on 9/7/07 7:38 am
LOL....I still have lots of weight to lose yet.  If I get it'll be all shrivelled and wrinkly in a few months!! 


When one door of happiness closes, another opens:
but often we look so long at the closed door that
we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

Helen Keller

Sarah B.
on 9/7/07 8:17 pm - Cincinnati, OH
lol you know when I started losing weight, I was pretty sure the sun and moon I have on the lower part of the back of my neck would end up on my a$$ but it  hasnt lol yet and im done losing... and my other tats... have yet to travel very far south. None are wrinkled either lol

summer.jpg summer image by tat_goddess263/163/135 Consult/6mos/Current



Jane C.
on 9/7/07 3:25 am - Florence, KY

Ok its cool.  So when do you start drawing lines to each of them and filling in everything inbetween? It is really pretty.  I had a huge melt down today.  People are so dumb.  I was trying to deal with a lady from the bank.  Next thing I know I am bawling my eyes out and screaming at her.  I hung up on her and she called back an hour later to see if I was ok.  Oh well shi? happens.  I feel ok now

Maybe I just need the pain of some ink......................NOT Love Ya

Sarah B.
on 9/7/07 5:52 am - Cincinnati, OH

Well my dear, wonderful Aunt Jane.... I told Bill he can have a leg and my back to ink up as long as I approve what he's tattooing on there. This new one is only about 2 inches away from my pegasus.  Meltdown.... you know that I know exactly what thats like and how rough it is. I feel for you totally. and Jane, your advice to me goes both ways.... you know you can call me ANYTIME.  You might not need the pain of a new tat but I do know that you need a replacement antenna on a butterfly lol. Anyway I was pondering swinging by to show ya my newest artwork today... if its cool with you, I still might do that. Destiny just got here and im sure Bill wants some daddy time with her since he hasnt seen her in a week... call me and let me know either way. if its cool or not.  Love ya bunches and bunches Sarah

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on 9/8/07 12:26 am - KY
I love it I have 4 tats & want more I have one on my back but I got it when I was a little bigger & want to add to it now lower on my bottom lol might have to make a drive to get one from your DH does he have a shop some where ,

B J 

Sarah B.
on 9/8/07 10:41 pm - Cincinnati, OH
They are so addicting! No, he doesnt have a shop yet... we are still getting things together from when he moved in and getting our finances straight. So... as of right now his shop is my kitchen. You can ask anyone that has gotten inked up by him about his practices. He is VERY clean... new needles on every tat and we have 2 auto clavs to sterilize equipment. I have 12 tats and Bill has done only one of those (we havent been together very long lol) He is cleaner than any shop I have gotten a tat in. His work is also better than my other tats I have gotten. My email addy is [email protected] if you have a myspace account do a search and you can look through his work I have on my page or you can link to his page from mine to see his work. if you do not have a myspace account I will be more than happy to email you some of his work. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

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Jane C.
on 9/9/07 12:38 pm - Florence, KY
I talked to your mom.  She seems really tickeled with her new one.  Weekend was nice.  Mimi and I drank 2 bottles of wine over a long period of time.  Didn't dump.  It was so hard to relax.  Tomorrow is a new day.  Hope it goes well. Love Aunt Jane
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