
Ok its cool. So when do you start drawing lines to each of them and filling in everything inbetween? It is really pretty. I had a huge melt down today. People are so dumb. I was trying to deal with a lady from the bank. Next thing I know I am bawling my eyes out and screaming at her. I hung up on her and she called back an hour later to see if I was ok. Oh well shi? happens. I feel ok now
Maybe I just need the pain of some ink......................NOT Love Ya
Well my dear, wonderful Aunt Jane.... I told Bill he can have a leg and my back to ink up as long as I approve what he's tattooing on there. This new one is only about 2 inches away from my pegasus. Meltdown.... you know that I know exactly what thats like and how rough it is. I feel for you totally. and Jane, your advice to me goes both ways.... you know you can call me ANYTIME. You might not need the pain of a new tat but I do know that you need a replacement antenna on a butterfly lol. Anyway I was pondering swinging by to show ya my newest artwork today... if its cool with you, I still might do that. Destiny just got here and im sure Bill wants some daddy time with her since he hasnt seen her in a week... call me and let me know either way. if its cool or not. Love ya bunches and bunches Sarah