I went to my seminar today!

on 9/4/07 9:27 am - Louisville, KY
Hello ya'll! I went to the seminar at the Nortons Bariatric Center today....Dr. Rodrigueus was doing the meeting tonight. While I did learn a few things I was very happy to learn that because of this website and the vast amount of information and personal input I was lucky to have much foreknowledge.  I was kinda disappointed though because I was hoping to turn in paperwork and get started on scheduling my doctor's appt. but it seems that this meeting was basically for information so I guess I'm setting at the "get ready" stage of this process still. I met one girl who said that this was her second seminar because Medicare had denied her attempt to have WLS...that made me alittle disappointed because I too have Medicare. And there was this one guy there that nearly had me in stitches laughing so hard.....he kept asking about being able to drink beer and the doctor said no you can't have beer but this guy wasn't having it so he kept presenting different scenerios....it was so funny! Oh and my DH just had to ask the doctor who is on the heavy side if he had considered having surgery too.....hehe the doc said he had but gave all these examples of ways he was handling his weight loss without surgery......I couldn't believe he ask him that but ya know, its a thought that anyone would have....you would have to wonder why a doctor who encourages this surgery would he himself not have it......what's that saying, "you can't talk the talk unless you can walk the walk"? So was any of you at this seminar tonight? I'll just be so excited when I can be at the "get set" and the "go" stages....hehehe Take care! Kellie

Thank God For RNY! Counting down the pounds to a new me:)

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~Joy~ .
on 9/4/07 12:10 pm - KY

Your choices of surgeons will only be Dr Rod that u met and Dr Allen.  And I dont understand why that person told u medicare turned them down?  Medicare does no pre approvals.

Oh and Dr Rod ONLY does open. Dr Allen does lapr. After all ur info in the packet is turned in u will get a date to see the surgeon of ur choice.  Not to mention your date to do ur nut and psych consults. Goodluck!

Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!!  I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit!  PLEASE!!!!  Follow your program's rules!!

on 9/4/07 12:44 pm - northern, KY
hey joy  so  with medicare   was it very hard to get aproved  did they have u do a pre  diet?
~Joy~ .
on 9/5/07 1:17 am - KY
No pre surgery diet for Medicare but some surgeons require one to make the case better when they go to get paid. I am still pre/op but have been told there is no preapproval process.  Do what the surgeon needs u to do and then the surgeon's office will make u a date.

Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!!  I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit!  PLEASE!!!!  Follow your program's rules!!

on 9/5/07 2:29 am - LEXINGTON, KY
Redbone, I was told by my center that with medicare there is no pre diet just need to have the BMI at 40 or greater and atl east one other health problem such as gerd, arthritis, high blood pressure, sugar, depression etc.. So if this is you from what I have been told no preapproval is needed. But your surgeon needs to make sure you meet the above. Just save up your deductable and I look forward to having you beside me on the losers bench.     love & God bless, Gerri

on 9/4/07 8:21 pm - Louisville, KY
How come those would only be my choices? In my packet I was allowed to choose who I wanted. So Dr. Rod ony does open? From the way he pitched the lapband I would have thought he was more for that procedure. I had already completed all my paperwork because I downloaded in online but I was still waiting on my medical records so I didn't get to turn in my packet last nite. This girl also had medicaid so maybe it was the medicaid that turned her down and she just thought it was medicare. Medicaid requires the 6 mo diet program while medicare doesn't. Thanks! Kellie

Thank God For RNY! Counting down the pounds to a new me:)

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~Joy~ .
on 9/5/07 1:19 am - KY
I was told those 2 docs are the only ones that accept the Medicare.  Dr Shina and Geller do too but they only operate at Suburban and Suburban STILL hasnt got the center of excellence status that Medicare requires. If I can help in any other way, let me know.

Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!!  I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit!  PLEASE!!!!  Follow your program's rules!!

on 9/5/07 12:06 pm - Louisville, KY

Joy,  So do you have a surgery date yet? My doctor is in the same practice as Dr. Allen, Rodrigues, and the others and he told me that they usually get 100% approval with Medicare which I find odd, I can't imagine Medicare paying for the whole thing ya know. As far as the doctors who accept it, he didn't seem to think that was a problem. He has already had one of the doctors in the office look over my medical records and has told me that he wants me to go to him, his name is Dr. Kehdy and he has just joined the practice. I did ask Dr. Rod about him last night because I know he is new and I wonder about his experience and he said he was a good doctor.  At this point I just want to get it done and over with. At the end of June I was in the hospital 9 days with Lymphnedema complicated by cellulitis, I had to take antibotics for 6 wks after I got out. I woke up with cellulitis this morning on the other leg and I'm so worried because I don't want to end up in the hospital again. Not that the surgery is a cure all but just getting some weight off of these legs has got to give me some relief. I think the waiting to have surgery is the worst part!!  You think with Louisville being as big as it is, we'd have more than one hospital with the center of excellence status!! Have a great night!

Thank God For RNY! Counting down the pounds to a new me:)

Come visit me at these other sites:

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Yahoo IM & Aol IM - kellibabe1

~Joy~ .
on 9/5/07 12:32 pm - KY

Ok, I didnt know a new doc joined.  I picked Dr Allen and have got to meet him.  I was VERY impressed with him.  I THOUGHT I was done with most of my pre tests but they sent a letter to me today saying I needed the scope too. On the letter it said it OR the h-pol, test.  Well I had already had the blood test one so I THOUGHTTTTTT  I was doneee.  Im bein tested to death.  Speaking of death, i think death would be easier then that Cardiac Pet Scan I had today. This letter even stated 6 months diet etc.  I called and left a message saying I knew that Medicare didnt require a 6 month diet so I am waiting to hear back from them.

And you are so right!  You would think more of the hospitals would be a c.o.e! I hate to hear ur Lymphadema has been actin up!  I have been blessed so far and not had that as a problem.  I have too many other problems though...  I am praying my heart checked out ok today...

Take care and keep me posted!

Just a lil note to warn all pre and post ops. GET YOUR PROTEIN IN EVERYDAY!!!  I have done rather crappy with mine since day 1 and I am paying dearly with VERY slow weight loss, major hair loss, and all out feelin like shit!  PLEASE!!!!  Follow your program's rules!!

on 9/6/07 11:19 am - Louisville, KY
Hey Joy, That's a bummer that they still say you haven't had all the tests...what all tests have you had to go through? Dr. Rod said in that meeting that Medicare was the only one that didn't require the 6 mo. diet but that Medicaid did...are you on Medicaid too? I had thought about getting it to help pay for things but I don't want them to turn me down or make it harder to get the surgery.  Ok, I thought I had heard of all the heart tests since my daughter has had open heart surgery 3 times but she has never had that test before...what is it and how do they do it? I'm so sorry it was so bad for you....it's terrible that we have to jump through so many hoops when they can just look at our medical history and see how sick we are! Today has been such a hectic day that I just want to go to bed!! I had to take my daughter to see her spine doctor today.....she has a double curvature to her spine, well the worse one was at 43% back in May so they had her schedule for an MRI which I missed taking her too because I was in the hospital. So I finally got it done yesterday and today he looked at it and said her larger curve is now at 43%....a 10% increase in only 4 mos!! Even when it was at 43% she was considered at surgery stage so now he wants to see us back after she goes to heart cardiologist in November I assume to set her up for surgery. He said he was going to send all the medical info to her cardio doc and he needed clearance from him that she was healthy enough to withstand such a big surgery. ....sigh.... She was born with Pulmonary Atresia with Ventral Septal defect and has had open heart surgery 3 times so far, the last one being in 2004. In terms of heart defects she has been extremely blessed to have been heart healthy with successful surgeries and with little complications....most heart defect kids seem to go through so much more with their hearts so I am so thankful to God. Her cardio doc had told me 5 mos. ago that she was fine to have spine surgery if needed so unless something has changed in 5 mos. I am sure he will clear her for surgery. She is such a blessing and has things in perspective. So anyway, thats how our day went...I hope ya'll wouldn't mind praying for her!! Keep me posted on what happens with the other tests...I do hope that they will just get this all done so you can finally be on the losers bench...and I look forward to joining you there someday soon too:) Kellie

Thank God For RNY! Counting down the pounds to a new me:)

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