Just got back from my dr's
Hello everyone, how are u all? I'm good. Yes, I'm really ok. I went to my pcp
for a physcial, pap, blood work everything. I'll hear from that soon. My dr, M
Fitzpatrick at Xavier is such a sweetheart. He always cracks me up. He & the
nursewalked in while I was laying there in that fabulous paper prom gown and I
said "Dr Fitzpatrick, this is just not dignified!" He laughed and agreed with
me. Then while he was doing the pap. He had me all sprawled in the stirrups,
had the septum thing up there, the long squab, squabbing and he looked at the
nurse and said under his breath "Remind me to drill this on later" I about
died. I started laughing and he said "I"m not talking about u!" I said I know,
but the position he was in, that was just terrible. He was talking about a lamp
on a table. lol, it was cute. We were all 3 rolling but they think I'm nuts
anyway. Conferred with him on all my tummy issues. He is going to wait until I
have all the test done for my gastric bypass surgeon, Dr Shina, the scope,
upper GI if he thinks those are necessary and then have copies for him. I went
to the ENT and feel so much better about these anxiety attacks. I am having ear
issues. I've many test scheduled over the next month and into Oct to see whats
going on. Sept 11 I have cat scans of my sinuses, MRI done of brain and
inner/middle ears. My left ear drum was caved in some. I am having Vertigo and
she wants to see whats causing it. I have a audio test tomorrow. I do know that
one test I have a VEMP or something for them in Oct I can't take any meclizine
or ativan for 2 days before. I hope I'm not a bundle of nerves. They haven't
scheduled those last 2 yet. Oh another happy note, I've lost 12 of the 30
pounds I had gained. Lost them since last Tues.
Hi Angela,
Wow it looks like you have so much going on right now....I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Your story about you gyn appt was a hoot, its good to be able to have a sense of humor while you got to have that done it makes it alot easier. As far as your hearing goes, do you feel like you are not hearing as good as you were? I have bad hearing myself and I have to wear hearing aids in both ears they have no idea why I just started loosing my hearing but they suspect that maybe I must have had alot of ear infections as a kid. Your infections can change how you hear, it can also make you sick to your stomach, make your eyes play tricks on ya, and just totally mess your equalibruim up.
Congrats on your weight loss, thats alot since last Tuesday.....I'm sure you feel so much better for lossing it because I read how upset you were over the gain. Also, I use to have anxiety attacks too and the best way for me to get rid of them was to get out in the cold air and walk. Unfortunately the only cold air you are going to find right now is in your freezer or air conditioner. Even still when you have an attack go to your freezer and open the door and let the cold air hit your face. At the same time concentrate on inhaling deeply and then exhaling....if you can do it count as you are doing it because this will occupy your mind and you won't think of your anxiety. I know it sounds silly but it worked for me. It's really scary having an attack but if you can learn to focus on something else while you are having the attack it will pass much quicker. You take care of yourself and keep us posted!
Thank God For RNY! Counting down the pounds to a new me:)
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Thanks Kellie! I've been able to stay by myself for 2 nights in a row now and feeling more normal, thank goodness! They're telling me that the Vertigo is most likely causing the panic attacks. I'm hoping once I find out whats causing the Vertigo the attacks will be taken care of too. My hearing is normal. I had it tested yesterday. I got lots more test to do though so we'll see lol.
Hi Angie, i feel bad for you with the vertigo! i have had it off and on for a few years now, mine has something to do with my enner ears, called minears ( how ever u spell it) LOL But anyway i cant take the mezlacine, Wish i had something to take right now i just went to the dr there doing blood work for my dizziness, and stuff, but wont give me anything till they find out, oh anyway i just want to tell you i hope you get better cause i really know how you feel. Delilah
Thanks Delilah! Its aggravating, I know that. Theres one test I have to do the first of Oct called a ENG, I think, I can't take my meclizine or ativan or any sleeping pills, tylenol, or anything 2 days before it. I hope I do all right. No one has ever told me how to get thru a panic attack without meds.