hello everyone I finally went to work so I have not been on here but still think about all my friends How are the ones that just had surgery hope all is going well with you all,I am working at preeschool with 3& 4 year olds they keep you on your toes lol running after them but it is so much fun ,hope everyone had a good week & going to have a good weekend I have to go to a family reunion have not been in over 20 years so it will be nice to see everyone ,I have lost 2 more lbs now that I have started working yea IT HAS JUST BEEN TO HOT TO GO WALKING OR ANYTHING OUTSIDE SO MAYBE IT WILL COOL DOWN SOME SOON LOL
family reunions ohh the food lol- and pre schoolers OMG your the woman!!! id pull my hair out lol- congrats on the loss since ya went back to work and YES its been tooooo hot to be out walking -ive been waitng til it cools off--ive lost a lil more im 365 now that makes me 203 gone --keep up the great work seems ya very active
Hey Becky, I had been a little worried about you since no one had heard from you. i am so glad you like your new job. I know the little ones will keep you moving. The heat is really bad. I have not been able to walk outside at all. I just walk around the house and pray it cools off soon. Congrats on the lose! You are my inspiration. Give me a call when things slow down for you. Love ya & God bless-----Gerri