It seems like all summer I've been fighting a sinus infection. I was on antibotics for it a couple of months ago. Less than a month after I took them all, I was back at the dr's office with sinus pain and pressure and a ear ache. They called it upper respiratory and said antibotics wouldn't help. Less than a week after that, I went to the ER in the middle of the night with severe dizziness, thinking I was going to black out. My chest burning. The burning ended up being acid reflux that the ER doc blamed on my gastric bypass (its funny how ppl blame stuff on that without having any proof) but anyway, he also said that the infection had settled in my inner ear and was causing me to have vertigo. I'm fine if I get up and walk around but as soon as I lay down, my head starts spinning. He gave me something called meclazine(sp?) for dizziness that night. No antibotics again. Ok, I was fine for another 3 or 4 weeks. I've noticed in the past few days I'm having more sinus headaches and stuff. Late last night I started getting dizzy again. Couldn't lay down, couldn't even sit in the recyliner for long. I was going to wait and go to my pcp today but at 3am I was so tired, so fed up, I went back to the ER and told this same dr I saw last time to give me something to clear up the infection. I'm on Augmentin 875mg 2 times a day. Also mechlazine again. He keeps saying Vertigo. I'm wandering if its just because of the sinus infection and ear infection that I'm keeping this? Its scary and I don't like it. On one hand I thought about calling my pcp anyway today and telling them whats going on and just seeing what he thinks. On the other hand I think I should finish these antibotics and then go in. I can deal with a sinus infection, they're not pleasant but I can deal with pain and pressure. The dizziness scares me. I noticed even while I'm sitting up, if I look down to read I get dizzy doing that. Is Vertigo something I'll have forever or does it usually just go with sinus infections, inner ear issues? I feel "ok" right now. My head feels like it weighs a ton but I've got the sinus and inner ear thing going on. What do u guys know about Vertigo?
I used to have real bad vertigo abut once or twice a year. starts as sinus problems, but won't go away after its cleared up. I was sent to ky ear nose and throat specialist couple of years ago they gave me a bunch of test said it wasn't meiners(sp?) disease, but something else and sent me for vestibular rehab with a physical therapist. I haven't had a real bad case since then. He also said that the meclizine my pcp gave me made mine worse, and to not take it anymore. Maybe you need to see your pcp or an ear nose throat specialist for answers and more testing. Hope this helps