I am Totally Ticked
To say that I have had few bumps in the road since my surgery 15 months ago is an understatement. I tell everyone with all the stuff that I have been through, I would do this surgery again in an heartbeat, but these last two weeks have begun to crumble my foundation. I have not been feeling too well lately. I have had alot a stomach pain (especially at night, it wakes me up), I am puking (sometimes bloody) at least 3-4 times a day or dry heaving and this has gone on for this will be the 9th week. I have had problems in the past with ulcers. I am not sure if this is what it is. Anyway, last weekend I was in Lexington for my daughter's soccer tournament (THEY WON the whole TOURNEY!!!!!!!) I just did not fell right. I was very nausea, light headed and my stomach was really hurting. I tried to eat, but I puked it back up. Thank goodness my daughter has her drivers permit and she was ablt to drive home. When I got home, I had a friend of mine drop me off at the ER. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!!!!!. When they finally called me, the ER doc, had the personality of a wall. HE was not very nice and seemed very put off by the fact that I was there. I had a port put in the Tuesday before I went to the ER. My poor little veins are no existant. I have had 8 PICC lines and two of them became infected from the TPN. Needless to say, the area where they JUST put the port in was very sore. The nurse did not care. He just kept pushing really hard when he was cleaning the area. I guess he didn't see the huge bruise. I mentioned to him that area was still a litlle sore and he just rolled his eyes. I knew I was in for a long night. After the test came back, the ER doc told me that he was going to call my surgeon and give him the heads ups, but my surgeon was not on call that night someone else was. The ER doc came back and told me the covering doc said " it could be any number of things, but she is not my patient and I don't know her history, send her home" UUGGHHH!!!! Do you know how many times I have heard that. What is the point of having a doc cover for you when they can't do crap for you??? Since my potassium was low (from the puking) they gave me 2 potassium pills to take . I told the nurse I was really nausea. He told me to take them. I did. Five minutes later I was puking and dry heaving like crazy for 45 minutes. It was so kind of the nurse to close my door so I would not disturb anyone. He came back an hour later, asked if I was finished and gave me my walking papers along with some pain med and potassium scripts. "Oh yeah, he said, make sure you call surgeon first thing in the morning, it could be something serious". Well thank you very much. I called my surgeon Monday morning, explained to his nurse what was going on. She told me he was seeing patiens, but she would get back to me asap. She asked if I still felt the same and I said yes. Well, by Tuesday afternoon, I still had not heard back,so I called his office and talked to his other nurse. She told me that he was aware of what was going on as she was going to talk to him and most likely need to schedule some tests , possibly an EGD asap, still have not heard anything. I don't think it is a stricture because sometimes I don't puke right away. I am just sooo tired, have no energy, my legs ache. am light headed, and of course my stomach feels like I have gone 10 rounds with MIke Tyson and lost. All this and on top of everything else I am trying to work and take care of my precious daughter.
Yesterday I tried to go to the mall to do some school shopping, but felt so bad, I had to come home. My family wanted me to go back to the ER, but after what I went through last weekend, I just could not do it. I was not going to sit hours ago and them treated like I was wasting their time. Each time I have been to the ER, it has been for something serious. I am not one to run to the ER everytime I have a tummy ache. I know my body and when things are not right. I wish I could find someone who would listen to me. My daughter is the most precious thing in my life and right now she thinks I have grown a second head and I am the meanest person in town. I am not like this and I don't won't to be like this. I have tried to remain very positive and upbeat through this whole process. I thank God everyday for the surgery. With all the hiccups, this surgery has saved my life!!!!!
Sorry for the long post and thanks for letting me rant. I woke up at 3 am with stomach pain and feeling lousy. Couldn't go back to sleep, so I am grumpy!!!! SORRY!!!!
If I were you and you docs office is close to your home, I would go and sit there until he saw me. Having a low potassium is very dangerous, it can cause heart arrythmia and even severe low levels can cause death. Also low calcium levels can cause muscle cramps. If you have to get mean with them, your doc should never take 2 days to call you for an emergency. Stay on them until you get an answer!!!

Ana Im so sorry you are so sick. I will tell you alot of Dr.s in the er do not no how or want to treat us. They are scared of us. My hospital Ephraim Mcdowell turned me away and said they could not treat bari patients. Its so hard to get a good doc to listen to us. You just need to go straight to your doc and demand he listen,if not hit the door and dont look back. I no his kind so please seek help else where. I am finally on t he road to recovery and it may take 4 docs like mine to find the problem. Just please stay strong,you are in my prayers ok. please keep me updated on you health ok. I do check my mail ok. At this point when i was in so much pain when i would eat i had to do all liquids and that is what i basically do still. But i really say sick another doc ok.................take care and if ya need anything even a good ear to listen im here.............................Vickie