Hello, I'm a newbie!
Hi Jane, Thank you for the welcome and words of encouragement its much appreciated. I do believe that it will all work out its just a matter of time and the whole process. For me I am basically working in steps I guess you could say. When I went into the hospital I was told that I also had an anyeresum in the artery leading to my spleen which has to be repaired and I also have cysts in my uterus and one on my ovary so I am looking at having a hysterectomy. So this is the way I am looking at it....step 1 - surgery for the anyeresum - this is schedule for Thursday (prayers would be appreciated), next step 2 - see my gynocologist to see what I need to do about the cysts. Step 3 - the bariatric seminar and the whole process....etc... etc... etc... I know that I need to take care of these things in order to get to this new life and I am willing. I don't know all the processes concerned with the bariactric surgery but I am reading alot on here and am learning so much this website is a huge help to me and I'm sure many others! Thanks again and I look forward to getting to know you and everyone! Kellie
hi kellie, welcome to the board, this is a good place to ask questions, and get to know some very nice people who will always be glad to help in anyway they can. i also have medicare a&b, and medicaid as my secondary.
so i have included the medicare criteria for weight loss surgery for you. if you have any more questions, i will be glad to help the best i can, but you can also call the number on your medicare card and get some answers . if they don't answer what you are asking, keep asking for someone till you get what you want to know. but also the insurance people of what ever doctor you decide on are a very good source for answers. not matter where you decide to go, you research, research research. the one suggestion that i will make to you, if you have no records of a documented doctor supervised 6 month diet, start one now, because you must have one. it is part of the medicare criteria as you can see below. and make sure that your doctor documents exactly what they ask for. i made the mistake of not doing that and only went in to weigh every month, with incomplete documentation, thinking i had completed this requirement in june, i was thrilled that i had made it and it may not be long until surgery, but i was wrong and now find myself having to start all over. so get all your ducks in a row, and don't rely on anyone to get all your info together but yourself. medicare and medicaid together will pay for every bit of my surgery, doctor, hospital... with the exception of the psych exam. that was out of pocket. but it may not be where you choose to go. it won't happen over night, be patient, but once is starts it will be fast. all i have to do now is finish the diet, and i will be all set for a date. Good luck, and take care of yourself. Belinda. Medicare
· BMI of 35 or greater with one of the following life-threatening or disabling co-morbid conditions: poorly controlled type II diabetes, poorly controlled hypertension, poorly controlled dyslipidemia, severe cardiopulmonary disease (e.g. coronary disease, CHF, asthma, COPD, pulmonary hypertension), obstructive sleep apnea, severe arthropathy of weight bearing joints or pseudotumor cerebri
· Surgery is medically appropriate for the patient
· There is documented evidence of repeated failure of multiple attempts (usually 3) to lose weight on a supervised non-surgical management weight loss program (e.g., diet, exercise or drugs). It would be expected that a weight loss program would consist of compliance with a physician directed program for at least a consecutive 6 month period without significant gaps. Monthly documentation of the beneficiary’s compliance should include: **vital signs to include weight, current dietary program, physical activity/exercise program, behavioral interventions, consideration of or use of pharmacotherapy with FDA- approved medication, if appropriate
· Psychological evaluation (and counseling)
· Treatable metabolic causes for obesity (e.g., adrenal, pituitary or thyroid disorders) have been ruled out or if present have been maximally clinically treated if present
· Surgery performed at ASBS Center of Excellence
**All documentation must be written in the medical record monthly (diet, exercise and behavioral interventions)