OT:Backyard rescue this morning
Adam came in sort of laughing this morning from work. I was asleep and I heard
him chuckling to himself. He said that our neighbors 4 yr old daughter Hailey
(not sure why he was chuckling cause its not funny at all)anyway Hailey had
slipped out of her house sometime this morning while we were all asleep. Her
dad is in the army and leaves out early. Her mom was still asleep. Adam got
home about 8am or so. Not sure how long she'd been out. She had opened both of
our back yard gates. We have one gate on each side of the house. The dogs were
out. What scares me the most is we have a pool back there. I know she can climb
the ladder cause we were all in it the other night. Its almost over my head in
places and she's alittle squirt. She doesn't even look 4. Adam said she was
crying when he got home. I guess she realized that she was alone out there and
we weren't outside. She told him she just wanted to swing. Adam was talking
about putting chains on our gates and padlocks. I don't want to do that, we
shouldn't have to. I love her to pieces and her parents are sweet ppl. Adam
took her home this morning and woke Tiffany up and when she realized Adam had
Hailey she started bawling. She's 8 months pregnant and I'm sure this scared
the stuffing out of her, it would have me. Allison will be 6 in Nov and I'm
petrified she'll get out when I'm asleep or something. I have chain locks on
both of our doors not to keep out intruders cause those pitiful little locks
wouldn't do much but to keep Allison in. When I see Tiffany or Mark later I'm
going to suggest that they get some of these chain locks because all it would
take was her falling in that pool. If we're asleep theres no way we'd find her
in time. It scares me to think she was out there this morning. Our dogs are
good natured they don't bite and they sort of know her. Dan, our sheltie, is
getting old and cranky and that scares me too. He's 7 now and gets irritable
sometimes. U don't think it would be rude to suggest the chain locks to them do
u? I like them both. He's my age and she's 23 and Adam and I are thrilled to
have them as neighbors. Haileys a sweetheart. I just don't want her hurt or
worse, I'd never forgive myself. I still don't know why he was laughing. He
come in and said he performed a rescue in the back yard. He's part of a
paramedic first response thing at work and he's always stopping on the sides of
the road when we see ppl pulled over to see if they need help. He takes it
pretty seriously and he got serious when he thought about her falling in that
pool. I think he was laughing cause something about the only reason she was
crying is because she had her shirt twisted while she was swinging and couldn't
untwist it. Oh well, I am going to suggest the chain locks for their doors or
some sort of lock they can put up high and lock at night or when he leaves. I
unchain ours every morning before Adam comes home so he can get in but other
than that if we're asleep its locked.