Dr. Allen or Dr. Rodrigieze patients i have a ?
Dr. Allen or Dr. Rodrigieze patients i have a ?
For former or current patient of either doctor how long did it take for you to get in for a consultation with the docter?
How long did it take to get a surgery date?
i have medicare so i have had to switch surgeons due to Suburban not have Center of Excellence status.
Since i have an appiontment on aug. 16 for my eval. for head and diet at nortons bariatric center downtown i was just wondering how long it has taken other patients recently to get a date for surgery.
Since medicare doesnt do preapproval and i know i meet all the requirments im not really worried about ther insurance aspect.
I had already gotting most of that taking carre of with dr. shina before i had to switch Dr.s.
i guess im more worried about having to wait 12-15 month for s surgery date.
my co-morbids are NOT getting any better and all the weight is just recking havoc on my whole body!!!!
Thank for any help you can give.

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