Scared to death, may back out, date is aug 17,2007
Julie, I am scheduled for RNY on Aug 21st, and i am also scared but i am very excited. I am determined to make this work for me. If you are willing to pay out of pocket then that tells me that you are at a point in your life that you realize that something has to be done. I decided that no matter what happens and even if i am sick constantly it cannot be any worse than i feel now but that i will be able to breathe and walk without my back, hips, knees hurting. Stop and remember the reasons that you decided to pursue this lifestyle change.
There is nothing that can make me back out!!!! We can keep in touch and help each other since our surgeries will be close and also you live close to me as well!!! Good Luck with your choice.
Hi Julie, It is a scary thing and you being a nurse have heard and seen everything. You also have seen what obesity does to a body. It seems that all things are worse if we are obese. I have said all along this surgery can't change our genes but by doing this surgery it may change our future. You are right it can fail but it won't. This is not a diet its a tool. Your body will let you know when you try to sabotage it. I didn't have everybody at first supporting me but when the weight starts coming off and everyone see you are ok, these people become your cheerleaders. Your husband doesn't want you to not be healthy he is just scared of the unknown. Having my surgery has changed my life. I am now an active healthy women. I can play, work out, clean my house all day if I choose, but most the time I don't choose that. Just think of your children. Having a healthy mom is what is important. Its not the easy way out at all. It is a life long comittment. Hang in there. Look at the before and after pictures. Find people who are your weight and see how well they look at goal. Don't cancel yet.
Julie, you aren't alone in this. All of us who have had WLS have struggled with some of the same questions you're dealing with.
Just do as well as you can on the pre-op diet. Don't use the word failure NO MATTER WHAT. The only real failure is when you stop trying! I had my surgery a year ago on August 16 and have had a great year. I've averaged about a pound a week, which is slow loss, but it's LOSS! I haven't had much support and have had to encourage myself when I got disheartened. But you can do it. And you'll be making a step toward better health and potentially longer, better life. Life with the band is not really a diet. Once you get restriction (which can take months), your band will make you feel full with a small amount of food. You'll be amazed at how little food it takes to keep you happy! It's a wonderful tool. Blessings, Kathy