New Ink...
Ok so I was feeling *****y... and on Thurs night I went out and got myself not 1 but 2 new tattoos. This makes my tattoo grand total of 11. I also had them put the barbell back through my tongue. lol slight mid life crisis .... anyway I have pics of both tats on my profile....The one of the fairy isnt that great but once it is healed up I will take a better pic. Hope ya like em!
I love them both. I really like the butterfly. BTY take out the Tongue thing. Now when people are talking to you that is what they will look at and not your beautiful face. Place you are teaching your kids its ok to put crap in there mouth. Peanut will try it with a big screw or something and choak. Oh well I'm on a soap box. Love ya
Cool tats! U've got me wanting to run out and get my phoenix on my lower back now! I can't wait. I'm going to wait until we get our taxes back cause I want it to be just like I want it, size, colors etc. I wanna get it exactly right when I go in and not settle for a cheaper version, lol. I want the phoenix I saw on Miami Ink one night on this girls lower back, it started at her lower back and went about halfway up one side, it was cool.