Wow moment and 2 month check up
I had my 2 month check up yesterday and things are going just wonderful. I am 48 lbs lost but Taryn and Dr. Tom both said I can just go ahead and say 50 lbs lost hehe. I also had to pick on Dr. Tom for winning NKY's Dr. McDreamy contest. Boy he turned beet red, but we got a good laugh out of it.
Today I decided to try on some smaller pants and I am down from a 24 to a 18 now. The pants I tried on didn't even suck my belly in so bad that I had rolls over the top of them when I was standing. It wa GREAT!! I almost cried right there in Walmart's dressing room. I came out all grinning and my hubby just looked at me all puzzled. It was funny but I have not been this small in a long time. I am so thrilled with the results I am seeing now. hehe Ok I had to share with everyone.